Sim Thompkins got the name of “Young Peter Jackson” in Denver in the year of 1895. He had been boxing as an amateur in Colorado City. After defeating all of the boys in that city he ventured to Denver where he introduced himself to a local promoter named Reddy Gallagher. Gallagher agreed to give him a fight against a boxer named Eugene Turner. Sim was tickled pink.

Later that evening a number of newspapermen asked Gallagher for the names of the participants in his upcoming show. Gallagher reeled off the names, but when it came to the show’s feature bout he could not remember the name of the man who was to box Turner. Unable to recall Sim’s name he told the reporters that the fighter was a dead ringer for the great Australian heavyweight Peter Jackson, only not as large. The next morning the papers told of the contest to take place between Turner and “Young Peter Jackson.”

Sim read one of the newspapers and immediately sought out Gallagher: “Say, Mr. Gallagher … I thought you were going to give me that fight with Turner,” said a heartbroken Sim. “Well, you are to fight him,” replied Gallagher.

“The papers say that some fellow by the name of Jackson is going to box with him,” said Sim.
Gallagher had to explain how he couldn’t remember Sim’s name and what had happened. Sim went on to defeat Turner and from that time on became known as “Young Peter Jackson".

(by Clay Moyle)